Sunday, July 13, 2008

Or is it???!

Our agent called this afternoon to tell us that the other bidders were going to put in an offer at $735k. She said if we want it, if we go in at $736 or 737, we'd almost certainly get it. After some tough thinking and a stop at the neighborhood's coffee shop, we decided to just go for it. We like the house, the size is great, the elementary school is actually quite good, and we could see ourselves living there for at least 10 years. The offer expires at 10pm tonight, so the sellers don't have much time to think it over either.
And of course, that will be the most we'll pay. If we get it, we'll see what the inspection turns up--the roof seems pretty good, but I have a feeling the furnace and water heater are desperately in need of an upgrade.

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